AudioShake announces AudioShake Indie | MN2S

The MN2S PR client launches a new platform aimed at helping creators open their recordings to new revenue streams.

Award-winning stem creation start-up AudioShake today announced AudioShake Indie, a new platform geared towards indie artists and producers. AudioShake Indie will put the company’s AI stem separation technology in the hands of indie artists and producers, giving them the power to separate their recordings into “stems” and giving them full control over their music. As of today, indie creators can upload their music to the platform and immediately begin creating stems.

“We started AudioShake with the goal of helping artists make more money for their work,” says Audioshake CEO and Co-Founder Jessica Powell. “Stems are going to play an increasingly important part of new music and content experiences, and we want to help indie artists have the same shot at those opportunities.” Since their launch in May 2021, Audioshake have fast become a dominant force within the music and tech industries, working with some of the world’s most influential labels while earning plaudits from high-value investors. Their pioneering software is certain to become the industry standard for music separation over the coming year, and they have already produced stems big-name movies, acclaimed documentaries and even a Super Bowl commercial.

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