Bernard Kouchner to speak at Words Matter! Conference | MN2S

The former French Minister of Foreign Affairs will deliver a speech at The Oslo Center’s Words Matter! Conference courtesy of MN2S.

Former French Minister of Foreign Affairs and co-founder of Doctors Without Borders Bernard Kouchner is set to speak at the Words Matter! Conference later this year. Taking place 30th April, the event will bring together leadership figures from around the world to explore methods of combatting hate speech, hate crimes and the exploitation of young people. Words Matter! is run by The Oslo Center, a global non-profit working to maintain democratic values around the world. Bernard Kouchner will address the question “What is hate speech and why is it a collective problem?” in his speech alongside a panel of noted experts that includes Joyce Banda, Former President of the Republic of Malawi and Kjell Magne Bondevik, Former Prime Minister of Norway.

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