London could get a 'Night Time Economy Champion' | MN2S

The recently-formed Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) has announced this week that London could get a ‘Night Time Economy Champion’ – similar to the ‘night mayor’ position that has existed in Amsterdam for several years.

The recommendation is included in a new report by the Mayor Of London’s Music Venues Taskforce, alongside a proposition for a Music Development Board, comprised of different key stakeholders from various parts of the music industry.

The NTIA therefore supports the creation of a Night Time “Champion” for London by the Mayor’s Office” reads the press release, “along with ensuring the position is underwritten appropriately to ensure as with Amsterdam’s Night Time Mayor, Mirik Milan a supporter and Friend Of The NTIA, there is sufficient and proper support of the position and role.”

The NTIA is also pushing for the Agent of Change Principle to be introduced here in the UK, which originated in Australia and Canada and which requires housing developers who are building new properties next to established nightlife venues to provide adequate soundproofing to avoid complaints from residents. The historic agreement that Ministry of Sound made with developers Englewood was the first such accord of this kind in the UK.

While Agent of Change is very important and should help to redress the balance of venues and new residents, we have found that licensing and regulations in the recent period has been especially hard on venues of all kinds” says Alan Miller, the Chairman of The NTIA. “While this is primarily a Report for Planning, the role of Night Time Economy Champion and The Music Development Board will need to work hard to reduce some of the recent pressures.”

Look out for our interview with Alan Miller, coming this week.

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