MN2S | News | Native Instruments unveil TRAKTOR S8 controller

Native Instruments unveiled their new top-of-the-range DJ controller this week: the S8.

The general idea of the swish new controller is to allow DJs to control and mix their music without having to look at their computer screen – aiming to end the era of DJs looking like they are checking their emails.

It does so by incorporating high-res displays (including waveform readouts), touch-sensitive controls and more faders and sample / cue point pads than ever before in the Remix Decks section. It also works as a standalone mixer which can plug straight into a club’s system.

It looks like Native Instruments may have taken some inspiration from the workflow of their groundbreaking MASCHINE hardware series for producers and live performers in designing the new mixer.

The S8 is released on October 30 at £999. Click here to pre-order the S8 now and watch the intro video below.

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