MN2S | News | New signing: Rodney P

We’re happy to give a warm welcome to UK rap legend Rodney P, who joins the MN2S booking agency live roster this week.

Rodney P was part of London Posse, one of the first influential British hip-hop acts, from the mid-eighties to mid-nineties, before going solo and finding fame in a collaborative partnership with producer and DJ Skitz.

He has been a frequent featuring artist with Dub Pistols and The Nextmen, and created an album as Sleepin’ Giantz alongside Zed Bias. He has also featured on records by the likes of Omar, DJ Food, Nitin Sawnhey, Roni Size and Timo Maas, and is an acclaimed live performer – having played everywhere from fabric to the Prince’s Trust Concert. He was also the host of interactive Channel 4 series ‘Dubplate Drama’.

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