R.A. The Rugged Man releases single and video for "Wondering (How To Believe)" | News | PR | MN2S

As anticipation for the forthcoming album All My Heroes Are Dead continues to grow, independent hip-hop icon R.A. The Rugged Man reveals his latest single and video, “Wondering (How To Believe)“.

R.A.’s most recent single “Legendary Loser” was a wild ride, demonstrating an outlandish personality and stunning capacity for lyricism, but “Wondering (How To Believe)” is a completely different, though equally compelling offering, showcasing the Rugged Man’s remarkable musical range. Featuring vocals from singer David Myles, the song is a heartfelt exhibition of vivid, powerful storytelling that addresses abuse, addiction and loss. The official music video captures the track’s subject matter perfectly, depicting dramatic narratives of troubled schoolkids alongside R.A.’s own traumatic experiences.

All My Heroes Are Dead will be available worldwide on April 17th 2020

A powerful statement from a visionary artist, the release stands as R.A. The Rugged Man’s finest work to date.  The 22-track collection showcases the full scope of the Rugged Man’s talent, and transcends conventions within hip-hop. “I didn’t want to make a whole album of just destroying rappers and rapping better than everyone,” R.A. explains.  “There’s a lot of different moods and places my albums take you. I love to bring listeners into vivid worlds.”  All My Heroes Are Dead is available now for pre-order on CD, vinyl, cassette, and multiple deluxe editions.  

“There’s a lot of different moods and places my albums take you. I love to bring listeners into vivid worlds.”


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