The Sugarhill Gang remember Sylvia Robinson fondly | PR | MN2S

Portland-based She Shreds Magazine is a publication dedicated to female guitarists and bassists. The title has featured MN2S clients The Sugarhill Gang in their latest issue as part of a feature on the late hip-hop pioneer Sylvia Robinson.

Sylvia was the founder of the hip-hop label Sugar Hill. She was instrumental in the formation of influential hip-hop crew The Sugarhill Gang, the first rap group to place a single in the Billboard Top 40. Speaking to The Guardian in 2017, Sugar Hill Gang member Guy ‘Master Gee’ O’Brien spoke about how Sylvia brought the group together, saying: “Big Bank Hank rapped and made pizzas, so she auditioned him in front of the pizza parlour. I rapped in her car, then Wonder Mike was next. “I can’t choose,” she said. “So I’ll put you all together.”

    “I can’t choose,” she said. “So I’ll put you all together.”

In their latest interview with She Shreds Magazine’s Stephanie Philips, the group reminisce about their early days, Wonder Mike says: “No matter what you’ve heard, she was like a surrogate mother when we first started out. A man always loves his mother, and she was making sure we had the best tracks, made sure we had nice clothes, broke us off some advances here and there.”

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