Wonderland Magazine features ELIZZA | News | PR | MN2S

Describing her as a “pop sensation”, Wonderland featured ELIZZA’s new track, “Habit”.

Wonderland Magazine have authored a piece on ELIZZA’s latest track, “Habit”, dubbing her a “pop pioneer”. Speaking about the artist, Wonderland wrote: “the singer takes inspirations from various rhythms and styles and blends them together for a summertime ready tune […] The R&B singer’s range and versatility has been breaking boundaries for while now with hit singles “Want To Keep” and “Mad For You”, capturing the hearts of thousands internationally with her ever-growing fan base.”

Check out ELIZZA in Wonderland Magazine here.

“With new music on the way, keep a close eye on this progressive singer as she’s claiming 2020 as her year.”

Wonderland Magazine

At only 18 years old, ELIZZA relocated to London to chase a lifelong dream of becoming a professional musician, using her talents as a singer and songwriter to build a career and a name. Forging a unique sound that defies easy categorisation – “not just pop and not just R&B” – she describes her music as “dreamy, poetic, and honest”, bringing together boundary-pushing pop production and influences from dance music with natural vocal talent that promises widespread success. In early 2020, ELIZZA released “Want To Keep”, a hooky single that centred around themes of love and desire. The artist’s latest track, “Habit”, was released in June.

Keep up to date with ELIZZA online:

Last.fm https://www.last.fm/music/Elizza

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/elizzamusic/

YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/elizasalinieka

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