Hannah Witton – Doing It
One of the most unique celebrities represented by MN2S talent management agency is Hannah Witton, a sex-positive Youtube star whose first book was published last year, to rave reviews. She’s got a refreshing take on all things sex, gender and relationship related – which is probably why her YouTube channel has racked up a whopping 24 million views.
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Her chatty videos on subjects as diverse as sex toys and sex with a chronic illness have made her a favourite among youngsters and their enlightened parents alike. Her first book, titled ‘Doing It’ was released last year, and she described it this way: “Sexting. Virginity. Consent. The Big O … Let’s face it, doing it can be tricksy. I don’t know anyone (including myself) who has sex all figured out. So I’ve written a book full of honest, hilarious (and sometimes awkward) anecdotes, confessions and revelations. And because none of us have all the answers, I’ve invited some friends and fellow YouTubers to talk about their sexuality, too.
“My book is for everyone, no matter what gender you identify as or who you fancy. We talk about doing it safely. Doing it joyfully. Doing it when you’re ready. Not doing it. Basically, doing it the way you want, when you want.”
It was a huge critical success when it was released and won Book of the Year at the Summer in the City Youtubers convention in 2017 – a huge honour considering how many Youtubers are now bringing out books.
One reviewer, blogger Ardently Alice said: “Hannah combats [the prevalence of negative messages] by tackling subjects ranging from masturbation and puberty to slut shaming and consent in an accessible, relatable and extremely honest way. She is un-embarrassed about bringing little-discussed topics into the open, and as such empowers teens to have the confidence to conduct relationships on their terms, and in a way that they feel comfortable with.”
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Another blogger, Maia Moore, said: “It’s aimed at teens, ones with questions on sex and relationships. I’m a happily married woman with a baby so I think I do know a thing or two about sex and relationships! But I still learnt something from this book, like how sanitary products used to work for our grandparents and how they used to use frogs to test for pregnancy!
“My 16-year-old sister has started asking me about sex and virginity and also told me some stories about her friends which I found pretty worrying. I’m going to pass this book on to her because I think it’ll be really useful for them all.”
If you’re looking for a celebrity guest with a difference, who has the knowledge and personality to really connect with a younger audience, Hannah Witton could be just the person. Get in touch to find out more about booking her.
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