Karan Brar booked for University of Connecticut virtual Q&A | News | Talent | MN2S

The Disney Channel star participated in a virtual Q&A for UConn and spoke on a wide range of topics, including race and mental health.

Karan Brar was booked through MN2S to take part in an online event for the University of Connecticut, organised in partnership with Asha for Education and SUBOG. Answering questions on a variety of subjects, Brar spoke at length about his experiences in the entertainment industry, which he entered as a child after landing the part of Ravi Ross in Disney Channel’s Jessie. Speaking about his time on the show, Brar remarked: “I think what people don’t realize is that when you’re on Disney Channel, you get stigmatized as being a Disney Channel kid, only being capable of doing a certain set of things and only having a certain skill set. It takes a lot of time to prove that you can actually do things outside of that.” 

Karan Brar recreates former co-star Debby Ryan’s signature meme face during virtual Q&A

Brar also expanded on his experience of navigating an acting career as an Asian-American, before discussing how mental health awareness in Asian and South Asian communities could be improved: “Speaking from my experiences, in India, mental health really doesn’t exist. Being depressed or being anxious is not something real or tangible, it’s just being sad or worried. I know that I’ve had to deal with that challenge with my parents as I’ve gone through my journey of going to therapy.” Karan Brar is available for online and in-person bookings, including Q&As, appearances, and digital campaigns.

For more information about this booking or to speak to one of our talent agents, get in touch.

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