Matt Richardson teams up with Natwest for Instagram campaign | News | Brand Partnerships | MN2S

We partnered comedian and broadcaster Matt Richardson with a new banking app that’s designed to help you get on top of your spending.

Matt Richardson, best known for presenting on Virgin Radio and hosting The Xtra Factor, is a stand-up comedian with experience hosting across both radio and television. Richardson was the perfect candidate to take part in a social media campaign that asks his followers to expose their spending confessions.

Speaking about the partnership, our Head of Talent Natasha Hill said: “We are all notoriously bad with money and there are some amazing stories out there, including people spending £300 on broomsticks at Harry Potter World – no lie! We partnered comedian Matt Richardson with Bó to launch their new banking app through video content that shows just how many weird and wonderful things we spend our money on!”

Bó is the banking app that helps you spend less and save more.

“Matt is a total pro, a complete joy to work with and always caters to the brief perfectly!”

Natasha Hill, Head of Talent
MN2S represents Matt Richardson and other Talent. View artist bio

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