Sid Owen appears on ITV's Loose Women | Talent | News | MN2S

The former EastEnders star was booked through MN2S to appear on one of Britain’s favourite chat shows.

ITV’s Loose Women features a range of beloved panellists discussing everything from friendships to relationships, parenting to politics, mental health and much more. Earlier this month, the hosts invited EastEnders star Sid Owen and his fiancee Victoria Shores to join them for their first TV interview since a tragic miscarriage earlier in 2021. The pair, who are now expecting another child together, spoke about the importance of better after-care following experiences such as theirs, and discussed the impact it had on their mental health.

For more information about this booking or to speak to one of our talent agents, get in touch.

MN2S represents Sid Owen and other Talent. View artist bio

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