Topsy Crettz release new single, Gravity | News | Social Media Management | MN2S

The top secret production collective drop another heavyweight single to kick off 2020 with a bang.

Made up of talented names that have won international DJ championships and reached the finals of talent shows across the world, the members of Topsy Crettz have over ten years of experience. The tie that binds them is their desire to connect with new audiences through their music: each member of the team is completely unique, but when it comes to making music, they come together to form a singular entity.

Check out Gravity on streaming platforms now.

Out of a desire to keep the focus squarely on the music, the members of Topsy Crettz have chosen to keep their identities hidden: rather than sharing their names, they hope to share their emotions through music, so that their listeners love them for what they do, rather than who they are. After kicking off the project in November 2017, the crew have released a series of singles and a debut EP, and their lush, soulful deep house tracks have been picking up hundreds of thousands of streams on YouTube.

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