Danny Krivit, widely known as Mr. K, is a legendary New York DJ whose musical journey began in the vibrant Greenwich Village of the 1960s. Born into a musical family, with his mother being an accomplished jazz singer and his father managing jazz trumpeter Chet Baker, Danny was immersed in a rich musical environment from a young age. His formative years included working at “The Ninth Circle,” a Village hot spot managed by his father, where he encountered iconic figures like Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Charlie Mingus, John Lennon, and Yoko Ono.
In 1970, Danny’s passion for vinyl and DJing as an art form started to flourish, and by 1971, he embraced DJing as a full-fledged profession. A significant turning point came when a friend, the Vice President of Polydor Records, introduced him to the legendary James Brown, who provided Danny with white-label advance promo copies of seminal tracks like “Get On The Good Foot” and “Think” by Lynn Collins.
Throughout the late ’70s, trade magazines and radio stations recognized Danny’s talent, with his playlists featured in publications like Billboard, Cash Box, Record World, and Dance Music Report. His mix tapes found regular airtime on prominent New York radio stations such as WBLS, WKTU, and KISS FM.
Over the years, Danny Krivit’s influence has transcended boundaries, and his DJing and editing work are in high demand globally, from North and South America to Europe and Japan. With credits on over 1,000 tracks, Danny remains a central figure in the evolution of dance music, contributing to its growth and popularity worldwide.