The American rock band, known as Copeland, has been actively involved in music since the early 2000s. The band signed a deal with the independent record label The Militia Group in 2002 and in the following year they released their first album titled Beneath Medicine Tree. From 2004 to 2006, Copeland has performed annually on the Cornerstone Florida Festival in Orlando, Florida. The band released its second album in 2005, titled In Motion, under the production of Matt Goldman and Aaon Marsh. This time, Copeland included a four song long acoustic EP, and the single Beneath Medicine Tree. Having faced times of uncertainty, due to the hospitalization of his partner and the passing of his grandmother, Aaron Marsh brought the kind of music that would move people when facing hospitals. This album also included real photographs that Aaron Marsh had taken while going through this challenging period in his life. Copeland released another single in 2007, titled Eat, Sleep, Repeat and another one titled Dressed Up & In Line. The band also released another album in 2008, with Tooth & Nail Records, titled You Are My Sunshine. Considering the very busy and active life of musicians who are devoted to pursue and build a strong career in the music industry, one of the member of the band decided to follow a different journey and the band announced that they would separate soon. However, in 2014, Copeland surprised its fans with a fifth album, which was titled Ixora. Six years after that, the band also released their sixth album, titled Blushing.