Aniko and Aspen Bollok, the dynamic duo of reality television, burst onto the scene as the vivacious daughters of the renowned Darcey Silva, who gained fame through her appearances on four seasons of the hit show 90 Day Fiancé. The Bollok sisters have seamlessly become an integral part of their mother’s journey to stardom, not only on 90 Day Fiancé but also on the spin-off series Darcey & Stacey.
Taking social media platforms by storm, particularly TikTok, Aniko and Aspen have amassed a dedicated following of over 100k viewers. Their content ranges from captivating dance routines to humorous comebacks aimed at detractors, all while occasionally featuring their beloved mother in entertaining cameos. The sisters have further embraced their fans through personalized messages on their Cameo account, showcasing their genuine connection with their audience.
Born from Darcey Silva’s previous marriage to Frank Bollok, the girls maintain a close relationship with their father, who resides in New York. Blessed with their mother’s striking beauty, Aniko and Aspen have ventured into the world of modeling, gracing the campaigns of family business House of Eleven and collaborating with esteemed beauty and clothing brands such as Glazed Kisses, Loving Tan, and Fierce and Free Boutique.
As rising stars in their own right, Aniko and Aspen Bollok not only stand as pillars of support for their reality star mother but also carve out their own paths to success, leaving an indelible mark on the world of entertainment and fashion.