During season 28 of CBS’s international survivor reality competition television franchise, Brice Izyah competed as a contestant on “Survivor: Cagayan – Brawn vs. Brains vs. Beauty.” Survivor is one of the longest-running reality tv shows, airing over 40 seasons. Izyah`s season, which was filmed in the Philippines, featured 18 new players who were divided into three tribes of six based on their strongest trait: “Brawn” (athleticism), “Brains” (intelligence), and “Beauty” (beauty including attractiveness and charisma).
Izyah first appeared on the island of Cagayan, where he belonged to the Beauty tribe. In Episode 3, he was the first member of his tribe to be voted off, finishing 16th out of 18. He has appeared on “Rob Has a Podcast” eight times, first appearing in a post-elimination interview when he was voted off the show.
Subsequently in his appearances on the podcast, he dished the dirt on the behind-the-scenes action of his season of Survivor as well as his thoughts on later seasons of the show. Brice Izyah also hosts his own podcast, named the “Purple Pants Podcast” on Reality TV under the Rob Has A Podcast brand.
He boasts over 19.9 thousand followers on Instagram and over 13 thousand followers on Twitter where he can connect with his many fans. He can also be contacted via Cameo where you can hire him to send personalized messages to his multitude of admirers.