Chuck Morgan stands as a towering figure in the realm of baseball, a living legend renowned for his unmistakable voice and unwavering dedication to the sport. With an impressive forty-second year as a professional baseball caller, Morgan’s journey has been synonymous with the Texas Rangers, a team he joined in 1983 and has been an integral part of for 37 out of their 38 seasons.
His remarkable feat includes announcing the line-up for an astounding 3000 consecutive Major League Baseball games without missing a single match. Beyond the mic, Morgan wears multiple hats, serving as the public address announcer, scoreboard overseer, and orchestrator of video production for all Rangers home games. As the Executive Vice President, he spearheads Ballpark Entertainment, Promotions, and Productions, while his heart lies in organizing the beloved fan bat and cap giveaways.
Morgan’s contributions extend to the virtual realm as well, where he lent his iconic voice to MLB video games for Xbox, PlayStation, and Nintendo. Recognizing his innovation in event presentation, he was inducted into the Information Display and Entertainment Association Hall of Fame in 2017.
Not merely confined to the field, Morgan’s imprint on the Rangers includes establishing their Hall of Fame, maintaining the Rangers Fan Fest, and overseeing the team’s mascot. The Sporting News bestowed upon him the title of the best public announcer in baseball in 2001 and 2003, a testament to his enduring impact on the sport and its fans.