Kim Da-hyun, known simply as Dahyun, is a versatile South Korean singer, rapper, and actress, renowned as a member of the globally acclaimed girl group Twice, formed by JYP Entertainment in 2015. Her journey to stardom began on the reality television show “Sixteen,” where she successfully secured her spot among the nine finalists chosen to debut in Twice.
Dahyun made her official debut with Twice in October 2015, with their EP “The Story Begins,” featuring the breakthrough single “Like Ooh-Ahh.” Her contributions as a singer and rapper have been pivotal to Twice’s success in the K-pop scene.
Graduating from Hanlim Multi Art School in 2017, Dahyun quickly rose in popularity, ranking seventeenth in Gallup Korea’s annual music poll the same year. Despite her musical achievements, she faced controversy in 2018 when criticized by Japanese lawmaker Masaru Onodera for supporting comfort women through attire from Marymond.
Beyond music, Dahyun is expanding her artistic horizons. She is set to make her acting debut in the independent film “Sprint,” slated for release in 2024, and has been cast in the Korean adaptation of “You Are the Apple of My Eye.” Her influence extends globally as the global ambassador for Michael Kors since July 2023.
Dahyun’s diverse talents have also been showcased in various television shows and web series, including “Battle Trip,” “Idol Star Athletics Championships,” and “Seize The Light.” Her dynamic presence continues to captivate audiences worldwide, solidifying her status as a multifaceted entertainer in both K-pop and beyond.