Dana Snyder, an American actor and comedian, has left an indelible mark on the world of animated entertainment with his distinctive voice and comedic talents. Born on November 14, 1973, in Allentown, Pennsylvania, Snyder gained widespread recognition for his iconic portrayal of Master Shake in the cult classic animated series “Aqua Teen Hunger Force.” His unparalleled voice work extends to other Adult Swim hits, including Granny Cuyler in “Squidbillies” and Baby Ball in “Ballmastrz: 9009,” solidifying his status as a go-to talent for animated hilarity.
Beyond the realm of Adult Swim, Snyder has lent his voice to a myriad of beloved characters, including Gazpacho in Cartoon Network’s “Chowder,” Dr. Colosso in Nickelodeon’s “The Thundermans,” and Scratch in Disney Channel’s “The Ghost and Molly McGee.” His versatility and comedic timing have made him a sought-after talent across various networks and age demographics.
In addition to his animated triumphs, Snyder has showcased his comedic prowess in live-action television, notably in shows like “Saul of the Mole Men” and “Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell.” With an impressive body of work spanning both animated and live-action realms, Dana Snyder continues to captivate audiences with his unique voice and comedic flair, cementing his legacy as a cherished figure in the entertainment industry.