David Carl is a multifaceted talent, renowned for his prowess as an actor, writer, impressionist, and solo performer. Hailing from Dallas, Texas, his journey into the world of performing arts began at Lake Highlands High School under the mentorship of Nancy Poynter and Tim Johnson. This initial spark fueled his passion, leading him to pursue a BFA in Performance at the University of Evansville, followed by an MFA in Acting at Rutgers, where he trained under the guidance of Deborah Hedwall and Bill Esper.
In the vibrant landscape of New York City, David’s artistic exploration took a diverse turn as he delved into improv at UCB, The PIT, and The Magnet, alongside stand-up, theater, impressions, character comedy, voiceover, TV, and film. His dedication and versatility eventually crystallized into solo performances, captivating audiences with shows like “David Carl’s Celebrity One-Man Hamlet” and “Trump Lear.”
Having taken these solo shows to esteemed platforms such as the Edinburgh Fringe and the Chicago Shakespeare Theater with Michole Biancosin, David Carl has left an indelible mark on the world of satire and solo performance. The New York Times has lauded his work, describing his Busey Hamlet as a “deliciously deranged…head-spinning performance” and his Trump Lear as “quite damning” and “a biting satire.” Additionally, David co-created the acclaimed “David and Katie Get Re-Married” with Katie Hartman, earning two awards at the NYC Frigid Fest in 2019. His artistic journey is a testament to his commitment to pushing boundaries and exploring the rich tapestry of performance arts.