Voice talent, community activist and social media guru Davie Rickenbacker is best known as a contestant on CBS’s hit reality TV show, Survivor: David vs. Goliath. He holds a Masters Degree in Public Health and works at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He has a love for any outdoors activity, especially swimming, hiking and biking, and is an expert fisherman, too. When he has to stay indoors, he’s a bit of a wordy and likes nothing more than a game of Scrabble. Adventurous as well as calculating, Rickenbacker likes to be included in decision making and always aims to show initiative and likes those around him to do the same.
A man of faith who regularly turns to his Bible for inspiration and reassurance, especially in times of chaos and struggle, Rickenbacker also believes that his lucky Davy Crocket hat helps to channel his “best self”. He plays the harmonica and finds a kind of therapy in through making his own music. It helps to ground him as well as to connect with others. Rickenbacker also has a deep love of dogs and breeds his own Siberian huskies.
Young and ambitious, Rickenbecker is particularly proud of his online presence across various platforms and is open and honest about who he is to anyone wanting to find out.