Deon Hawkins, a formidable Football player, hails from the vibrant city of Los Angeles, California. Born and raised in the heart of football culture, Hawkins discovered his innate talent for the sport during his high school years at West Adam Preparatory High School. As a Panther, he quickly gained recognition for his exceptional skills, emerging as one of the team’s strongest assets. Hawkins played a pivotal role in securing two consecutive league championships and earned a well-deserved spot on the All-League first team.
His stellar high school career culminated with an invitation to the prestigious North vs South All-Star game, where Hawkins showcased his prowess with an impressive record of 70 tackles. Antelope Valley College became the next stage in his football journey, and his standout performance paved the way for a transition to Western Oregon University.
Despite facing the challenges of being undrafted in the NFL, Hawkins persisted and chose to redshirt as a junior player, dedicating an additional year to refine his skills. Although the professional football scene did not materialize for him, Hawkins gracefully redirected his focus towards family and a career outside of the gridiron.
The NFL’s loss remains a testament to Hawkins’ enduring passion for Football. His journey, marked by triumphs on the field and resilience in the face of setbacks, underscores his status as a true athlete and a symbol of unwavering dedication to the game.