Donk Master, also known as Sage Thomas, reigns supreme as the unrivaled monarch of the donk street race circuit across the Southern United States. Hailing from Savannah, GA, with roots in Hardeeville and Orangeburg, SC, Thomas was bred in the crucible of southern racing culture. Born to a schoolteacher and a chef, his upbringing instilled in him the virtues of hard work and dedication.
From an early age, Thomas found himself captivated by the world of racing, shadowing his Uncle Buggy, who imparted upon him a deep love for the sport. At just 16, he embarked on his first foray into donk customization, an endeavor that ignited a lifelong passion. Each project completed since then continues to deliver an electrifying rush, driving him to push the boundaries of innovation and performance.
Fuelled by a relentless pursuit of excellence, Thomas immersed himself in the intricacies of donk racing, drawing inspiration from luminaries like Murff Dog. He honed his craft through rigorous research, trial, and error, culminating in the formation of the legendary Skittle Pack—a fleet of formidable Big Wheel Donk race cars.
In August 2021, Thomas and his Skittle Pack made an indelible mark on the racing world with their debut at the NMCA All-American Nationals, held at Summit Motorsports Park in Norwalk, Ohio. Their presence not only showcased the raw power and agility of donk racing but also underscored Thomas’s unwavering commitment to elevating the sport to new heights.
With each victory, Thomas and his Skittle Pack propagate the gospel of donk racing, traversing cityscapes and state lines, leaving a trail of awe-inspired enthusiasts in their wake. As the charismatic host of Viceland’s Donkmaster, Thomas continues to champion the spirit of innovation, camaraderie, and unyielding determination that defines the heart and soul of the donk racing community.