Dr. Steve Robbins is a widely renowned speaker, an inspiring storyteller who is recognised for his insights on leadership and innovation. Robbins shares his unique story to many audiences near and far, opening up about his compelling life journey that has shaped the person who he is.
Born in Vietnam, Robbins immigrated to the US with his mother when he was young, encountering many challenges during a time when there was many complex feelings and sentiments of anti-war and anti-Vietnamese. Rising up from a time of tribulation, growing up on the streets of Los Angeles, Robbins takes inspiration from his struggles, drawing upon his experiences during his talks. Robbins is often referred to as a ‘diversity expert’, considering himself a student of human behaviour, primarily focussed on issues of inclusion and diversity in relation to human behaviour.
With an in-depth understanding of human behaviour, Robbins seeks to challenge and motivate people from all sorts of backgrounds. Robbins works with many esteemed clients, notably NASA, Caterpillar, US Navy, Boeing Disney, Paypal, Gap Inc, HSBC Bank, AMC Theatres, Toyota and many more. Boasting a versatile career background in communication, socio-psychology and cognitive neuroscience; Robbins uses his invaluable experience and comprehension to impact his audiences and clients.