Mike Corey, the daring force behind Fearless and Far, epitomizes the epitome of extreme travel and adventure. Hailing from the vast landscapes of Canada, his insatiable curiosity has fueled a lifelong odyssey in pursuit of the extraordinary. From the tender years of his upbringing, Mike’s relentless quest has propelled him into the heart of cultures, the depths of wilderness, and the heights of human resilience.
As the luminary of Fearless & Far, Mike has amassed a legion of followers, with his YouTube channel boasting a staggering 2.5 million subscribers. Through captivating storytelling and awe-inspiring footage, he takes his audience on a vicarious journey to the edges of the Earth and beyond.
Mike’s indomitable spirit has not only conquered digital realms but has also earned him accolades in traditional media. His Adventure Travel TV program, “Uncharted Adventure,” has garnered widespread acclaim, earning him two prestigious Emmy Nominations. Additionally, his thought-provoking podcast, “Against the Odds,” earned him a coveted Ambie Nomination, further solidifying his status as a multifaceted media powerhouse.
At the heart of Mike’s endeavors lies Fearless and Far, a groundbreaking YouTube series that delves into the depths of misunderstood rites of passage. From the mystic frog poison rituals of Brazil to the ancient bamboo poking tattoos of Thailand, each episode is a testament to Mike’s unwavering dedication to unraveling the enigmatic threads of human existence.
With each expedition, Mike Corey continues to redefine the boundaries of adventure, inspiring millions to embrace the unknown and embark on their own fearless journey.