The wonderful Georgina Horne is a fashion and beauty blogger best known for her blog, Fuller Figure Fuller Bust. She also built a huge following on Instagram of over 323,000 followers, although having recently started a family, her account is currently set to private. Her blog is still available, however, and still widely read. It was launched out of her desire to share experiences of shopping for clothes with a fuller figure and bust, as well as “forever battling diets”.
Horne, who prefers George to Georgina, hails from Surrey and began her blog in 2011. She originally just wanted to showcase the clothes and underwear she’d found that best suited her figure. People soon took to her, and her reputation was soon growing. Within a few years, she’d been featured in the likes of Vogue, Marie Claire, The Sun, Daily Mail, Dail Telegraph, The Times, and more. She was also approached to model for various brands and was featured in the 2015 Channel 4 documentary, Plus Sized Wars.
Horne has never been afraid to use her platform to call out unhealthy and unfair practices in the media. In 2018, she made headlines when she accused Instagram of “shadow banning” her — hiding her posts in hashtag search results and promoting posts by women with thinner bodies instead, despite her having a far bigger audience. She hasn’t posted to her blog since 2019 and now refers to her blogging life in the past tense. But who knows what the future holds for this inspirational woman?