Terrell Dugue, better known as Hardstop Lucas, is amulti-talented social media icon. The entertaining comedian, skillful actor,and gifted musician is best known for his hilarious video content. Dugue beganhis journey towards becoming a viral star by posting comedy skits on Vine, the short-livedbut hugely popular video application. His trademark quality is his hugepersonality: he’s extremely loud and intense in his videos, bringing moreenergy to his content than almost any other creator. Dugue quickly gainedpopularity on Vine, earning millions of fans on the platform before it shutdown. His undoubtedly funny content and amazing acting skills have played ahuge role in his rise to social media stardom.
Dugue has a widely successful social media career across all platforms. From YouTube to Instagram, this star of the digital age does it all. His following began to grow after he started posting musical content on the web: when he was young he would compose songs and post them on the internet. After graduating high school, he decided to turn his passion into his career, which marked the rise of his social media following. Because he was interested in comedy, he would compose comedy-sketch video clips and post them on Vine: these videos soon became instant hits, amassing millions of views and going viral instantly after posting.
He then collaborated with other Viners like the popular account Dope Island. After Vine began to die out, Dugue concentrated on his YouTube channel, Instagram page, and Soundcloud account. The young celebrity now has over 1.3 million followers on Instagram and over 300 thousand subscribers, and continues to post original rap music to his SoundCloud alongside the comedic content that’s made his name.