Jamison Newlander, renowned for his iconic portrayal of Alan Frog in the cult classic film “The Lost Boys” (1987), has left an indelible mark on American cinema. Born in 1970, Newlander’s journey into the world of acting began with his breakout role as the fearless vampire hunter alongside Corey Feldman. This role solidified his status as a beloved figure in the horror genre.
Continuing his pursuit of excellence, Newlander reprised his role as Alan Frog in “Lost Boys: The Thirst” (2010), showcasing his enduring talent and dedication to his craft. Beyond his vampire-hunting exploits, Newlander has graced both the big and small screens with his presence. His credits include notable works such as “Circle of Violence: A Family Drama” and “Valerie,” where he shared the screen with esteemed actors like River Phoenix and Jason Bateman.
However, Newlander’s artistic endeavors extend far beyond acting. Throughout his career, he has explored various facets of the entertainment industry, from writing to directing. His creative vision culminated in the critically acclaimed feature “Rooster” (2003), a testament to his multifaceted talents.
In addition to his filmography, Newlander has ventured into the realm of reality television, appearing in the A&E Network series “The Two Coreys.” Moreover, he has demonstrated his versatility by taking on diverse roles in projects like “Bone Tomahawk” (2015), opposite Kurt Russell.
With each endeavor, Jamison Newlander continues to captivate audiences with his unique charisma and unwavering dedication to his craft. As he embarks on new artistic endeavors, his legacy as a versatile actor and visionary creator only continues to grow.