South African born, Dubai-based Jessica Olie is a qualifiedyoga teacher who has swiftly become a star of the industry. She initially tookup the practice as a way of getting through university while feeling homesick,and soon became obsessed. She now shares wellness wisdom, life hacks, yogaskills and much more across her Instagram account to more than 600,000 devotedfollowers, also sharing video content via a popular YouTube channel. It findsher vlogging, uploading yoga flows, talking about her day, experiences andsharing her love for fashion and has racked up over 500,000 views across hermany videos.
Jessie has also spoken about her own personal struggles withmental health to national media outlets like The Independent and has accrued afollowing that appreciate her candid approach to the issue. Jessie’s Instagrampage features beautifully shot pictures of intricate yoga poses in front ofsunsets, city scenes and inspirational quotes, giving fans a real sense of herwholly well-balanced life. The honesty of her thoughtful captions proves topeople that anyone can go through troubles, and any issue can be overcome witha positive mindset and upbeat approach to life. Already a well-establishedsocial media star, Jessie Olie is one of the most influential names in the yogaworld and is only continuing to rise.