Katie Price became a part of mainstream Britishconsciousness in an era where the very definition of fame was changing. BeforeInstagram, Big Brother or Britain’s Got Talent; Katie Price, then known by herpseudonym Jordan, launched her career at just 18 years of age. A self-starter,Katie Price, had professional pictures taken and approached a London modellingagency. She appeared in The Sun newspaper for the first time in 1996. Readersfell in love with her for both her beauty and determination; appearances in theDaily Star, FHM, Nuts, Maxim and Loaded were closely followed by appearances inPlayboy, Esquire and Vogue. Unlike the ephemeral careers enjoyed by many formerpage three girls, Katie Price’s charisma, intelligence and witticism took herfrom the glossy pages to the silver screen. She played herself in the hit dramaDream Team, featured in Footballers’ Wives, captured the hearts of audiences inI’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! and was invited in as a special guest onTop Gear before going on to host The Friday Night Project.
The mainstream’s fascination with all things KatiePrice continued with a series of Channel 4 documentaries by filmmaker RicharMacer. Throughout the ‘00s Katie Price dominated British screens, starring inseveral fly-on-the-wall TV series with her then-husband Peter Andre. In 2015she entered the Celebrity Big Brother House and emerged as the winner. Inaddition to her success as a television personality, Katie was among the 100best-selling authors of the ’00s after her two autobiographies becamebestsellers. She has also published ten novels, mainly addressing the subject offame and celebrity, along with a series of children’s books. Today, shecontinues to feature heavily in the mainstream press and remains enduringlypopular with legions of loyal fans: her thriving Instagram account boasts over twomillion followers.