Kim Hopkins is a comedic talent who inherited her flair for humor from her renowned father, comedian George Hopkins. From a tender age, Kim displayed her natural ability to entertain, promising to follow in her father’s footsteps as a comic, a pledge she made in a notable New York Times interview when she was just three years old.
Kim’s journey into the world of entertainment began even earlier, as she embarked on a successful career as a model and actor at the remarkable age of two and a half in New York City. Working with esteemed agencies like the Marge McDermott Agency and collaborating with renowned photographer Bert Stern, Kim quickly became a recognizable face, gracing the covers of magazines and starring in prestigious advertising campaigns, including memorable appearances as the iconic Ivory baby.
Her modeling career took her across the globe, from Tokyo to Europe, appearing in a myriad of commercials, magazine covers, billboards, and more. However, it was her comedic prowess that truly set her apart, landing her roles in iconic films such as “Cheech & Chong’s Next Movie” and “The Hollywood Knights,” as well as regular spots on The Tonight Show.
Despite her own flourishing career, Kim dedicated time to nurture her son Zack’s burgeoning talents, guiding him through a successful career in commercials and television. Now, having returned to the spotlight, Kim continues to delight audiences with her comedic brilliance, featuring in various films and advertisements, including notable appearances in the TV series “Hitbaby” and the miniseries “Facets,” both in 2021. With a legacy rooted in comedy and a talent all her own, Kim Hopkins is a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry.