Koko B Ware, also known as The Birdman, is an iconic wrestling legend known to many for his hilarious performances in the ring, and the beautiful golden macaw named Frankie that was his constant companion and mascot. This superstar is part of the Class of 2009 in the World Wrestling Entertainment’s Hall Of Fame, and has had an incredible career spanning from the 1970s to now.
Beginning his career in the ring in the seventies, Ware travelled all across the United States, entertaining thousands of people at different cities across the country before making his historic debut into the WWE in 1986. Instantly becoming a fan favourite, especially popular with the younger generation, Ware and Frankie were a national name, and his first big victory against WWE Hall Of Fame icon Nikolai Volkoff was well deserved. While he never won a championship at WWE, Ware’s participation in various tag teams alongside other wrestling greats, such as the late Owen Hart in the team High Energy, secured his place in the sport, but Ware is multitalented, and on the second WWE album, released in autumn 1987, he sang the title track and had a cameo in the supporting music video.
Most recently, Ware appeared in Big Time Wrestling in Newark CA, and he teamed up with fellow pro wrestler Shane Kody to defeat the Ballard Brothers, and he appeared in the Eastern Wrestling Federation, teaming up with Blackcat Johnson in a winning effort.