Dr. Laura Markham is a renowned clinical psychologist, parenting coach, and dedicated mother of two based in Brooklyn, New York. With a profound commitment to fostering healthy relationships within families, Dr. Markham has become a leading authority in the field of parenting through her innovative and compassionate approach.
After earning her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, Dr. Markham founded Aha! Parenting, a platform dedicated to empowering parents worldwide. Her relationship-based model of parenting has transformed the lives of countless families, offering practical guidance rooted in empathy and connection.
Dr. Markham’s influence extends far beyond her practice, as she frequently appears on television and radio shows, sharing her expertise and insights with audiences globally. Her expertise has been sought after by prestigious publications such as The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Parents Magazine, among many others.
As the author of three bestselling books, including “Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids,” Dr. Markham’s work has been translated into 25 languages, reaching families across cultural divides. Through her acclaimed books, she provides tangible strategies for parents to cultivate harmony and understanding in their households, emphasizing the importance of ending yelling and prioritizing authentic connections.
With a profound dedication to nurturing healthier parent-child relationships, Dr. Laura Markham continues to inspire and empower parents worldwide, leaving a lasting impact on families everywhere.