Lauren Manzo, widely recognized as an American television personality, has carved her niche in the limelight as the daughter of renowned entrepreneur Caroline Manzo. The foundation of her fame was laid through her mother’s appearances on the reality television series “The Real Housewives of New Jersey.” Lauren’s popularity soared when she became the beloved character on her mother’s reality show, “Manzo’d with Children,” a series that delved into the chaos of three adult children cohabiting under one roof.
Beyond her television endeavors, Lauren is a businesswoman, proud owner of the thriving Fullblown salon located in Wayne, New Jersey. With a keen eye for beauty and style, she has cultivated a loyal following in the world of beauty and fashion.
Adding another layer to the Manzo legacy is Lauren’s daughter, Markie Scalia, born in 2017. As the first granddaughter to Caroline Manzo, Markie quickly became the heartthrob of the family. The warmth and affection showered upon Markie are evident not only in the family’s TV appearances, such as “Manzo’d with Children,” but also on their social media platforms, especially Caroline’s Instagram, where she boasts over 796 thousand followers.
Markie, now attending preschool, continues to be a focal point in the Manzo family’s public narrative. Lauren, with her own substantial Instagram following of over 517 thousand, frequently shares precious moments with Markie, showcasing not just their familial bond but also promoting her beauty salon, Fullblown Beauty Lounge. Together, Lauren and Markie embody the essence of family, entrepreneurship, and the captivating allure of reality television.