Luke Banter is a rapper from Chicago. Growing up in the heart of Chicago’s downtown district comes with its own set of challenges and demands. In his music, Banter is an artist that isn’t scared to disclose his secrets, stories, and full existence. He has a rare gift, as he blends a distinctive giggly ad-lib with thoughtful lyrics and sing-along tunes, influenced by adolescent love and adult lust. Banter approaches creation in his own unique way. His work appeals to people of all ages, since it combines family-friendly images with sophisticated music.
Consider what might happen if Mac Miller grew up 15 minutes from Chicago’s Drill Music scene. What do you think that’d sound like? Banter makes it clear that he is not one to blend in; he is an artist who effortlessly stands out. He opened for Wale and he also served as an opener on a Waka Flocka tour in 2016. Banter’s genuineness allows him to win over any audience. His work ethic is unrivaled, and his debut album “Dear Darla” will put him on your radar long before you completely comprehend him. Banter is redefining cool and giving a breath of fresh air to an industry rife with manufactured acts. In 2021, he released his debut album Pucker Up. Banter keeps up with his fans on Instagram @lukebanter, where he boasts more than 300,000 followers.