Maja Siegenthaler is a renowned competitive sailor hailing from Switzerland, celebrated for her prowess in the 470 class. Born with a natural affinity for the sea, she embarked on her sailing journey at a young age, honing her skills amidst the picturesque waters of her homeland. Maja’s passion for sailing propelled her to remarkable achievements on the international stage.
Her partnership with Linda Fahrni became synonymous with Swiss sailing excellence, representing their nation with distinction at multiple Olympic Games. Their collaborative efforts saw them compete fiercely in the women’s 470 class at both the 2016 and 2020 Summer Olympics, leaving an indelible mark on the sport.
Maja’s sailing pedigree was evident early on when she clinched victory at the 420 Worlds in 2010, signaling the beginning of a remarkable career trajectory. Fuelled by ambition and dedication, she transitioned seamlessly to the 470 class, embarking on an Olympic campaign alongside Fahrni. Their partnership yielded impressive results, with Maja showcasing her exceptional talent and strategic acumen on the world stage.
The evolution of the 470 class to include mixed crews presented Maja with a new challenge, one that she embraced wholeheartedly. Undeterred by change, she forged a formidable partnership with Yves Mermod, culminating in qualification for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. As one of Switzerland’s most experienced 470 sailors, Maja Siegenthaler continues to inspire fellow sailors and enthusiasts alike with her unwavering determination and unwavering passion for the sport.