Comedian Natasha Pearl Hansen is known for her stand up, podcast, comedy special, and her newly launched platform My Break Up Registry.
Hansen’s career started as part of The Second City in Chicago in 2006. She joined the venue and troupe and over the next few years was involved as a performer, writer and producer on numerous shows. Since then she has embarked on world tours, and performed at high profile venues around the world. As well as her stand up, Hansen has also launched her own podcast, Future Role Model, with plans to turn the podcast into a book series. The podcast has also seen this multitalented performer star in Future Role Models Live in Las Vegas, a live show based on her life experiences and personal journey. Hansen has also worked as an actress and writer on several television shows including Assistants and a comedy documentary released in 2015. She is a prolific writer, having reached the semifinals of NBC’s pilot writing competition and been a regular contributor to Men’s Health Magazine.
In 2019, Hansen undertook her most ambitious project to date, recording her first comedy special I Was Supposed to Get Married Today… She recorded the show in front of her wedding guests on what would have been her wedding day, at the venue her and her fiancé had chosen. The show was released in 2021, alongside the launch of her new platform My Break Up Registry which offers solidarity and humour to those going through break ups.