Paul “Paulie” Calafiore is a reality show star who is best known for being a contestant on the eighteenth season of CBS’ hit American series Big Brother, in which $500,000 was contested by 16 houseguests whose every move is monitored. The general theme to his tactics throughout the season was to win the votes of the female housemates by being flirtatious with them, something which wasn’t well-received by his season rival Natalie Negrotti in particular. Interestingly, his brother Cody Calafiore appeared in Big Brother 16!
Calafiore’s other television appearances include the debut season of Ex On The Beach (U.S.), the 32nd season of The Challenge entitled The Challenge: Final Reckoning in which a million dollars was up for grabs among an array of daredevil challenges in South Africa. His appearances on-screen were so well-received by fans of the franchise that he was invited back for the thirty-third and thirty-fourth seasons of The Challenge, called The Challenge: War of the Worlds and The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 respectively.
Calafiore enjoys taking risks and testing his physical endurance, something which – when combined with his natural on-screen confidence – made him a perfect candidate for some of the biggest reality shows in the country. He’s earned hundreds of thousands of fans on social media, who value him for his insights into fitness and the workouts he shares. He sells fitness programs, merchandise and supplements to encourage others to transform their bodies like he has.