Rick Reilly, an esteemed American sportswriter, has left an indelible mark on the world of sports journalism. Born on February 3, 1958, Reilly’s illustrious career is characterized by his wit, insightful commentary, and a remarkable ability to capture the essence of sports in his writing.
For many years, Reilly held the coveted position as the “back page” columnist for Sports Illustrated, where his distinctive voice became synonymous with the magazine’s final pages. However, in a significant move on June 1, 2008, he transitioned to ESPN, where he continued to elevate sports journalism to new heights. At ESPN, Reilly served as a featured columnist for ESPN.com and continued his role as the back page columnist for ESPN the Magazine.
Beyond his written work, Reilly extended his influence through the hosting of “Homecoming with Rick Reilly,” an interview show on ESPN. His insightful and engaging conversations with sports figures showcased his versatility in the world of sports media. Moreover, Reilly contributed essays for ESPN SportsCenter and ABC Sports, further solidifying his impact across various platforms.
Reilly’s unparalleled contributions to sports writing have been widely recognized, with an impressive eleven NSSA National Sportswriter of the Year awards. His achievements extend beyond accolades, including the prestigious Damon Runyon Award for Outstanding Contributions to Journalism in 2009. Reilly’s work has left an indomitable legacy, celebrated not only for its excellence but also for its ability to resonate with sports enthusiasts around the world.