Rikki Poynter, a formidable force in the realm of activism and online content creation, has left an indelible mark as a deaf advocate and prominent YouTuber. Transitioning from her origins as a beauty blogger, Poynter has become a beacon for Deaf awareness, accessibility, and the importance of closed captioning in her role as a lifestyle vlogger.
Embarking on her YouTube journey in July 2010, Poynter initially delved into the world of beauty vlogging, captivating audiences with her cosmetic expertise. However, it was in late 2013 that she pivoted her focus towards instructional and lifestyle content, igniting a passionate discourse on Deaf issues and advocacy.
Poynter’s influence skyrocketed with the release of her seminal video, “Shit Hearing People Say,” amassing over 530,000 views and catapulting her #NoMoreCRAPtions campaign, advocating for comprehensive closed captioning, into the spotlight. Her content spans a spectrum of topics, from disability rights and mental health to intersectional feminism, underscoring the multifaceted nature of her advocacy.
In 2014, Poynter courageously shared her personal journey with deafness, infusing her videos with wit and humor to dismantle stereotypes and shed light on the challenges faced by the Deaf/Hard of Hearing community.
Beyond her YouTube platform, Poynter founded the ‘Deaf Poynters’ website, serving as a hub for Deaf awareness and empowerment. Through articles, personal narratives, and educational resources, she continues to champion the rich tapestry of Deaf culture while striving for inclusivity and understanding in society. Rikki Poynter’s unwavering dedication to advocacy and empowerment resonates far beyond the confines of the digital sphere, leaving an enduring legacy of change and enlightenment.