Samuel and Audrey, affectionately known as Nomadic Samuel and That Backpacker respectively, are a dynamic duo of Canadian travelers whose journey began in South Korea, where fate brought them together. Their shared passion for exploration ignited a decade-long adventure that saw them crisscrossing the globe, immersing themselves in diverse cultures, and forging unforgettable memories.
Samuel Jeffery, aka Nomadic Samuel, originates from the picturesque town of Gold River, British Columbia. With an insatiable curiosity and a knack for storytelling, he has charmed audiences worldwide through his travel tales and insights. Audrey Bergner, also known as That Backpacker, was born in Montreal but found her heart in the rugged beauty of the Sierras of Argentina. Her upbringing instilled in her a deep appreciation for nature and a wanderlust that knows no bounds.
Together, they have embarked on countless escapades, from navigating bustling city streets to savoring exotic street foods. Their travel channel is a treasure trove of city guides, practical tips, and tantalizing street food tours, offering viewers a glimpse into the rich tapestry of global adventures.
Their latest endeavor finds them putting down roots in Argentina, where they are passionately renovating a hotel, infusing it with their love for hospitality and cultural exchange. Whether they’re trekking through remote landscapes or sharing insights from their latest project, Samuel and Audrey continue to inspire and captivate audiences with their boundless enthusiasm for exploration and discovery.