Scrambled’ Greg Ormont, the dynamic frontman of Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, is a captivating singer and guitarist renowned for his electrifying stage presence. Ormont’s journey into the world of music began during his time at the University of Maryland, where he formed the foundations of what would become the vibrant and energetic Pigeons Playing Ping Pong.
As the driving force behind the band, Ormont, alongside his fellow musicians, discovered a distinct sound and energy that propelled them into the limelight. Since their inception, the group has embarked on a relentless touring schedule, headlining the annual Domefest since 2009 and producing five self-released studio albums. Pigeons Playing Ping Pong is celebrated for their explosive live performances, infusing psychedelic funk into every stage they grace.
Ormont, often recognized for his quirky on-stage antics, dons pajamas during performances and maintains a reputation for his eccentric behavior. Beyond his role in the band, he has delved into a solo project named Scrambled Greg, seamlessly blending theatre, comedy, and music. This solo venture showcases Ormont’s spontaneity and unpredictability, offering audiences a unique and entertaining experience.
Whether leading Pigeons Playing Ping Pong or captivating solo audiences across America, ‘Scrambled’ Greg Ormont remains a kooky and talented entertainer. His commitment to originality and his distinctive style continue to shape the landscape of contemporary music. With a relentless touring spirit and a knack for infusing fun into every performance, Ormont is a force to be reckoned with in the world of live entertainment.