Toby Tarrant is a prominent English radio broadcaster known for his engaging presence on Radio X. Born as the youngest son of renowned broadcaster Chris Tarrant, Toby’s career in broadcasting has been marked by impressive achievements. He attended Parkside School and Reed’s School in Cobham, Surrey, before embarking on his radio journey. Tarrant began his national broadcasting career in 2014 on Capital FM, where he quickly made a name for himself with his early breakfast show.
In October 2016, Toby transitioned to Radio X, where he initially took over the early morning slot from 4am to 6:30am. His talent and dynamic style soon led him to cover The Chris Moyles Show during Chris Moyles’ absences. Currently, Toby is a central figure at Radio X, hosting the mid-morning show from 10 am to 1 pm on weekdays. His show attracts a substantial audience, with 2 million weekly listeners tuning in to hear his witty commentary and engaging content.
Outside of radio, Toby is a dedicated cricket enthusiast and plays for the Surrey-based Stoke D’Abernon Cricket Club. He also co-hosts the popular cricket podcast “Zero Ducks Given” with former England cricketer Steven Finn and Test Match Special commentator Dan Norcross, offering a humorous take on the sport. Additionally, Toby has made his mark in football broadcasting with Yahoo! Sport’s Football Show and has hosted various high-profile events, including film premieres and award ceremonies.
Toby’s diverse talents extend beyond broadcasting, as evidenced by his win on BBC One’s “Pointless” in October 2018, where he competed alongside fellow Radio X DJ Johnny Vaughan. With a growing list of achievements and an engaging on-air presence, Toby Tarrant continues to captivate audiences across multiple platforms.