Trilogy Media, helmed by Ashton Bingham and Art Kulik, stands as an emblem of entrepreneurial vigor and social media ingenuity in Los Angeles. Their journey commenced with a shared zeal for crafting online content, culminating in the establishment of Trilogy Media Inc. in 2016. As seasoned producers and creators, Ashton and Art have carved a niche as YouTube’s cherished scam-busting duo, amassing a staggering 120 million views on their channel.
At the core of Trilogy Media Inc. lies a steadfast commitment to public welfare. Armed with wit and humor, their comedic videos serve as beacons of awareness, spotlighting the nefarious exploits of scammers lurking in society’s shadows. Their seminal confrontation with IRS Robocall Scammers in 2016 catapulted them into viral stardom, amassing millions of views within a mere 24 hours.
The duo’s relentless pursuit of truth and justice hasn’t gone unnoticed. Trilogy Media Inc. has been featured across an array of esteemed platforms, including The Dr. Oz Show, ABC’s The Briefing Room, CBS KCAL, Fox 11 News, and more, cementing their status as influential voices in the digital realm.
However, beyond the glitz of media accolades, Trilogy Media’s raison d’être remains rooted in a profound sense of purpose. Their mission transcends entertainment; it’s a crusade to disseminate positivity and illuminate the insidious machinations of scams plaguing our world. Ashton and Art, through Trilogy Media, stand resolute in their endeavor to entertain, enlighten, and empower the masses against the backdrop of societal deceit.