Vanwives is a team comprised of Jazmyn, Crystal, Bella, and Izzy. These four women have embarked upon an epic journey of self-discovery, adventure, and exploration. Their story began in the winter of 2019 when they took the courageous step of moving into a self-built van on a full-time basis.
The decision was not made lightly, and it was driven by their desire to escape the conventional trappings of modern society. They were seeking a simpler, more sustainable way of life that would allow them to connect with the natural world and their inner selves.
At the core of their approach was a commitment to off-grid living. They realized that the conventional model of living in a house, with all its associated trappings, was not necessary for a happy and fulfilled existence. They wanted the freedom to travel, to work on their own terms, and to live in harmony with nature.
Over the following years, Vanwives journeyed through various countries, including Canada, the USA, Mexico, and Guatemala. Their travels have taken them through remote and spectacular natural landscapes, bustling urban centers, and everything in between. They have become experts at sustainable living, utilizing solar power, composting toilets, and other innovative technologies to support their lifestyle.
Vanwives is a living testament to the power of following your dreams and living life on your own terms. They are an inspiration to others who seek a more sustainable, fulfilling, and connected way of life. So, if you are looking for your own adventure, follow in the footsteps of Vanwives and discover the world from a new perspective.