Katie Piper teams up with Cadbury and Emma Bridgewater for #thankfulforhomecomforts campaign | News | Talent | MN2S

The media personaliy, best-selling author and activist was booked through MN2S to promote Cadbury’s latest digital campaign.

Katie Piper has partnered with Cadbury and Emma Bridgewater to spread the word about their #ThankfulForHomeComforts campaign. This offers the public the chance to gift a limited edition, custom-designed tin of Cadbury’s Roses chocolates to one of their “unsung heroes”, and get one for themselves to enjoy too.

Speaking about the campaign, Katie Piper wrote: “My hero has to be my amazing sister Suzy. I think we’ve all struggled in our own individual ways during lockdown and she has been my constant ray of sunshine. Whether it was the weekly Zoom quiz, the virtual exercise classes we did together or the handwritten letters she posted me, she was always there to brighten my day. So that’s why I’m sending her the perfect home comfort – my own handwritten letter and this beautiful limited edition tin of Cadbury Roses.” Check out Katie’s post below to see how you could be in with a chance of winning two limited edition tins from Cadbury and Emma Bridgewater.

With close to a million followers, Katie Piper is one of the UK’s biggest media influencers. In addition to her television work and best-selling books, Piper is known for triumphing against adversity after a brutal attack at the age of 24 left her in critical condition. Since recovering from the attack she has carved out a hugely successful career in the media, and her powerful story has inspired thousands across the globe. Katie continues to work with The Katie Piper Foundation to help those with burns, scars and other disfigurements reconnect with their lives and communities.

MN2S represents Katie Piper and other Talent. View artist bio

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