DJ Yoda DJs with a robot at Ford event | News | MN2S

DJ Yoda has teamed up with Ford to create a new kind of collaborator: a DJ robot.

DJ Yoda has done many collaborations in his time. He has DJed with orchestras, brass bands and beatboxers, but there is one type of collaborator that neither he nor anyone else has ever worked with: a robot.

To celebrate 40 years of the Ford Fiesta, DJ Yoda worked with Ford engineers to create a robot capable of DJing live on stage in a booth alongside DJ Yoda. The robot was dubbed DJ Yumi, and after much tinkering, it was able to take to the decks beside DJ Yoda for part of the Ford Fiesta anniversary event.

Unsurprisingly, DJ Yoda says this was unlike any collaboration he had ever done. The hardest part, he says, was teaching engineers about rhythm. Translating DJ language of bars and bpm into programming and computer language of milliseconds and measurements was a difficult task, but it gave him a new perspective on DJing as a more technical form.

Never afraid to take on a challenge or to do things in an unorthodox way, working with the robotic DJ Yumi was a joy for DJ Yoda. The two played a set that featured music from the past four decades, as these are the years in which the Ford Fiesta was in production.

Book DJ Yoda for brand events, festivals, gigs, or robotic collaborations now. MN2S does not represent DJ Yumi at this time.

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