New report claims UK government must give live music sector "restart date" | News | Live | MN2S

Report calls on members of parliament to show support for a COVID insurance fund, enabling organisers to plan ahead into 2021.

UK Music have published a new report that outlines a variety of measures needed to get the UK music industry back into good health. It demands that MPs offer a specific “restart date” for when gigs can return after months of cancellations, while emphasising the significance of introducing COVID cancellation insurance for all live events, and extending an essential VAT cut on tickets for concerts and festivals. Though the imminent deployment of vaccination programs has boosted hopes of a return to live music in early 2021, it remains unclear whether gigs and festivals will be able to go ahead in the summer.

Click here to read UK Music’s report, “Let The Music Play: Save Our Summer”.

“Live music is the beating heart of the UK music industry. It generates billions of pounds for the economy every year, supports thousands of jobs across the country, and draws millions of music tourists to all four corners of the UK.”

UK Music CEO Jamie Njoku-Goodwin

UK Music have called on the government to provide an “indicative date for the reopening of venues for non-socially distanced performances”, adding that it would be “vital to allow the sector to be able to plan and prepare for the return of large-scale events.” There is certainly light at the end of the tunnel, as UK Music puts forward a clear plan for recovery, and highlights actions that can be taken by those in power to revitalise the live music sector moving into 2021. Positive signs are already appearing across the globe, as Primavera Sound carried out a successful trial of a live music event hosted safely without social distancing measures, by making use of a rapid 15-minute COVID testing service. Measures such as these, along with innovation and investment in the live music sector and recognition of it’s immense cultural and financial importance, should lead to a swift and robust recovery in the coming year.

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