Alexis Rockman is a renowned contemporary artist and advocate for environmental activism. His art, which depicts dystopian futures of Earth if we continue to neglect our planet, has become famous worldwide, despite its morbid nature. His art is displayed worldwide, primarily in America, and is food for thought to anyone who has an interest in how our world is changing.
Rockman first put his art out into the world in the 1980s. His art has depicted many things over the years, but his works have often been inspired by literature such as Frankenstein and Life of Pi. In more recent years, his work has turned to focus on show his interpretation of a world destroyed by excessive human consumption. He created the project, Art Works for Change, where his collection of paintings tell the story of our future if we don’t take control of the rising environmental issues. His work has been so successful that he has caught the attention of many conservation organisations, and now Rockman works with them to promote the cause.
Rockman’s provocative art has made him a well known figure on social media. He now has over six thousand Instagram followers who are keen to see more of his work posted online. He also uses his platform to share works by other artists who have explored similar themes to him, including the photographer, Zak Noyle, and artist, Chelsey Bonestell.